
Looking for special Mi Chantli sanctioned events? We have a variety of events: workshops, intensives, camps, dance battles, guided sessions, open training sessions, weekly poetry sessions, and Danza!

6 Week Intensive – Breaking Fundamentals

First 6 week intensive of the year!! Register today to take a 6 week course with @nathan.bala on Breaking Fundamentals starting next Saturday, January 11th from 12:30pm-2:00pm! With this intensive we are having a pilot program price of $100! Register today on Mindbody!

In this 6 week intensive structure, each 90 minute class will continue and compound with each previous class.

  • Participants of this intensive will leave with basic understanding of technique and vocabulary terminology of Breaking.
  • Develop comprehensive understanding of the culture with references to significant historical moments in Breaking’s timeline.
  • Lastly, leave with understanding of basic anatomical structures, while providing tools for proper warm-up structures, training drills, and concept/variation themes in order to continue training and developing one’s own style inside of the dance.

This intensive is designed for those who are new to the style, have been breaking but want more refinement, and movement enthusiasts. This intensive is for all who are interested in growing and expanding in their own practice.

6 Week Intensive: Kid’s Hip Hop

Have your kiddos join @oh_kshitija for her Kid’s Hip Hop Intensive on Saturdays at 11:00am-12:30pm starting January 25th. This intensive is for Ages 8-12 years old.

Students will learn basic and intermediate Hip-hop moves including old-school and new-school styles. The class will also cover technique, rhythm, musicality, history, and culture of Hip-hop, with an introduction to freestyling. This energetic, fun, and interactive class is open to all children between 8-12 years old, regardless of prior experience.

6 Week Intensive: Conditioning for the Break

Come and join @thevanillaguerilla for his Condition for the Break Intensive on Saturdays between 1:15pm-2:15pm starting Saturday, January 25th! This Intensive is for any dancer trying to level up!

Conditioning for the Break will be incorporating plyometrics, calisthenics and aspects of breaking to improve your balance, symmetry and explosiveness. I’ll share my 27+ years experience breaking to help you create longevity in your injury free career.

Stackin’ Stylez: Hip Hop & Freestyle Concepts Pop-Up Workshop & Session

Join us on Wednesday, February 19th from 6:30pm-9:00pm with @stackinstylezofficial for Stackin’ Stylez: Hip Hop & freestyle concepts pop-up workshop & session!

Think Outside the Box: Int/Adv Breaking Pop-Up

Join @bboybowzee Saturday, February 22 from 2:30pm-4:00pm for his Think Outside the Box Intermediate/Advanced Breaking Workshop!

6 Week Intensive for BGirls

Come and join BGirl Elise for her BGirl Intensive on Sundays from 12:30pm-2:00pm starting Sunday, February 23rd.

This six week course is designed for bgirls to take our practice to another level. Together, we will refine technique and connection to the music while expanding creativity and building community with each other. These sessions are about solidarity as much as breaking — join us, and let’s grow!

  • Week 1
    • Foundations – Gain familiarity with basic technique that enhances fidelity to the dance while still encouraging personal expression and freedom. This includes an emphasis on form within footwork, toprock, and simple freezes.
  • Week 2
    • Toprock – A deeper dive! Through drills combos, games, and prompts, we’ll expand our toprock vocabulary and explore new ways to interpret classic movement.
  • Week 3
    • Footwork – A deeper dive! Through drills combos, games, and prompts, we’ll expand our footwork vocabulary and explore new ways to interpret classic movement.
  • Week 4
    • Complexity – This week will challenge us to experiment with changes in dynamics, direction, texture, tempo, and more. Additionally, by focusing on the transitions rather than individual moves, we’ll add coherence and new layers to our dance.
  • Week 5
    • Musicality – While every week integrates practices to connect us to the music, this week will more explicitly explore different approaches to interpreting music through our bodies in order to diversify our movement repertoires.
  • Week 6
    • Putting It All Together – As a culmination to the series, we’ll practice constructing full sets and rounds integrating all our learning from the previous 5 weeks.

Break for Breakerz

We are throwing Break 4 Breakerz II as a fundraiser jam for @campsbreakerz on March 14 and 15! All proceeds of the jam will be going to help Camps Breakerz!

March 14
1v1 Open Styles 
3 secret judges with a cypher prelim.
Music by @ejaythedjmusic
Entry: $10

March 15
2v2 Breaking
Music by @mekucooks
$10 to watch
$20 to battle

Monthly Ecstatic Dance

Join @morgan_mei for Ecstatic Dance every first Saturday of the month starting next Saturday, February 1st.

This class is a space to get out of your head and into your body. Whether you’ve been dancing for years and stuck in a choreography or have never danced but want a safe space to feel your internal rhythm with the help of music, this space is for you! It’s unchoreographed and a time to turn internally while dancing; think of it as a facilitated dance meditation. Turn down the lights, turn up the music, and just MOVE.

Monthly Battle Series

We held a monthly breaking dance competition! This is great for anyone looking for more experience or competing for fun. The event consists of a 60 minute training session followed by a 90 minute 1v1 practice breaking battle. Typically the event 2nd Sunday of every month from 5:00pm-7:00pm but it is currently postponed wit. Make sure to check our Instagram or our Break Konnect events page (make sure to click on Upcoming tab in Break Konnect) for more information!

Monthly Painting Party

Every fourth Fridays, we hold a monthly community painting party! Stop by from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. Suggested donation is $10 to replenish supplies and support the space.

Guided Freestyle Hip Hop Sessions and Open Cyphers

Weekly guided freestyle, hip hop sessions are held Mondays from 7:30pm-9:30pm. Started by Abbey (and currently facilitated by Tiana), the first 45 to 60 minutes will be a guided session led by a different member of the dance community each week. During this time, dancers will collectively explore new drills, concepts, and ideas that we can implement into your freestyle. The rest of the session will be an open lab to exchange, connect, and grow together. Music that is played is typically hip hop. All styles and experience levels are welcomed and encouraged!

Guided sessions and open cyphers are different from normal classes and are $7 at the door. All proceeds go to Mi Chantli.

Writer’s Block

Every Wednesday at 9:00pm, we hold weekly free poetry writing workshops. Each week we have a different poet from the community come through and give us prompts an other writing actives for the first half of the night. Then we spend the second half of the night sharing our poems with each other in a supportive and loving environment. We hope to see you at Mi Chantli from 9:00pm-10:30pm on Wednesdays!

Danza Circle with Grupo Mexica Tlahuitzcalli

Grupo Mexica Tlahuitzcalli is a traditional Aztec dance group based out of Boulder County. Grupo Tlahuitzcalli hosts a Danza circle every Thursday at 6:30pm at Mi Chantli for other danza relatives and folks seeking to reclaiming their indigenous identity. People are welcome to observe.

Mi Chantli WTC Group

Starting Sunday January 12th, 3-5 pm – we invite all men and masculine identifying people to join us at Mi Chantli for our first session of “The Will to Change” – A Peer Support Masculinity Group.

This group is an offering from Mario Olvera and Evan Segura, two members of Grupo Tlahuitzcalli in Boulder, Colorado.

Using bell hooks’ “The Will To Change” as a foundation, we aim to build a safe container for men to explore their identities and relationships, both within themselves and within our community, in an effort to heal some of our collective trauma embedded in masculinity.

As we read, we will discuss topics and share our experiences regarding :

  • patriarchal culture
  • vulnerability
  • emotional expression
  • self-love
  • accountability
  • non-violent communication

We are only offering this first cohort to 15 people, in an effort to create an intimate and trustworthy circle where each person can share as deeply as they need to.

We will meet every week for 6 weeks, and then gather feedback on how we can offer future cohorts.

Please buy a copy of the book before January 12th (not from Amazon!!) or rent from your local library / audiobook app. A free pdf can also be found here : The Will To Change Men, Masculinity, And Love By Bell Hooks (z : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to Evan or Mario . Tlazocamati !

Mi Chantli “Mi Casa” grupo de hombres

Agendado para empezar el domingo 19 de enero 2025, les invitamos a todos los hombres y gente que se identifica como hombre a reunirse a nuestro grupo de apoyo masculino coetáneo “La Voluntad para Cambiar.” (En el inglés “The Will to Change.”) La primera sesión va a ser de 4 a 6 de la tarde (16:00-18:00) en Mi Chantli, salón de baile en Boulder.

Se le ofrece este grupo de apoyo por parte de Mario Olvera y Evan Segura quienes son dos miembros del grupo de danza Azteca Tlahuitzcalli de Boulder Colorado.

Se va a utilizar como base el libro de Bell Hooks llamado en el inglés “The Will to Change” (La Voluntad para Cambiar). La meta es crear un espacio seguro para que los hombres podamos explorar nuestras identidades y relaciones de uno mismo y dentro de nuestras comunidades. Va a ser un esfuerzo para sanar algunos traumas colectivos a raíz de la masculinidad.

Vamos a leer, platicar temas y compartir nuestras experiencias con respeto a:

  • La cultura patriarcal
  • La vulnerabilidad
  • La expresión de las emociones
  • El amor a si mismo
  • La responsabilidad
  • La comunicación sin violencia

En el esfuerzo de crear un círculo íntimo de confianza, va a haber un cupo limitado, para el primer grupo, de solamente quince personas. Así cada participante puede compartir tan profundamente como sea necesario.

Favor de comprar el libro antes del 19 de enero 2025 o alquilarlo de la biblioteca local o de cualquier aplicación de audiolibros en internet (Nuestra preferencia es de no apoyar Se puede encontrar una copia gratuita del libro en el siguiente link: The Will To Change Men, Masculinity, And Love By Bell Hooks (z Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive

Por cualquier duda favor de comunicarse directamente con Evan o Mario.

Tlazocamatli (Gracias)

Open Breaking Training Sessions

We hold regular open breaking training sessions typically on Saturdays from 2:00pm-4:00pm. This is great for those that need extra training outside of class!